Customizing The From Email Address Configuration

Ryan Alex

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

There are several ways that you can mask, or spoof, your email in the system. Masking your email will allow emails sent from the system to come from any email address that you choose. Perhaps your SMTP settings have a general company email like [email protected] but you want a campaign to send emails from [email protected], or from a user's email address, follow these steps to learn how:

1. How to Mask Your Email In Campaign Configuration

- Click on an existing campaign or create a new campaign.

- Drop down Campaign Configuration and add your desired email to the ‘From Address’ box and desired Name to the ‘From Name’ box.

2. How to Mask Your Email Through Assigning A User

- Delete any ‘From Email’ and ‘From Name’ information that you entered in the previous step.

- In Campaign Configuration, add a user and click save.

- Masking your email address in this way will override any other settings and will ensure communication shows from the user the lead is assigned to. You can assign multiple users here which will round robin the leads to each user assigned.

NOTE: If you run a test and you receive the email with something that looks like the screenshot above, the VIA is related to your email configuration. To understand more about that, check out our other email-related articles.

Deliverability Troubleshooting: If you have trouble with email deliverability, check out our Help Library article on domain settings - some domains will block or flag emails as spam if the email addresses are from different domains.

- If your domain is set up with a Gmail email ([email protected]) but you update a campaign to send from another Gmail address ([email protected]), it may be marked as spam.

- If your domain is set up with a Gmail email ([email protected]) but you update a campaign to send from a Yahoo or Outlook address ([email protected]), it may not be delivered.

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