Know About Domains

Ryan Alex

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

Domains allow someone to access all the information about your business (e.g your website), without having to do any extra work! Hence, Domains are one of the most useful things you will ever have in your business. 

A go-through list of tips and FAQs to help you with your website and/or funnel set-up is given below:

Info #1:

Domains, aka URLs, (basically are unique like addresses. Putting an address into your GPS will only take you to one place. If you do not end up at your intended destination, you probably typed in the wrong address. Similarly, goes to one website only, and cannot be used for both a website and a funnel even.

Info #2:

Do not rush out to buy a new domain for your funnel/landing page! Know about sub-domains first, which are similar to an apartment in an apartment building. To go visit a friend who lives in an apartment building, just having the apartment name won't be enough; you also need to have their apartment number. Similarly, within a domain, you can create sub-domains to host your funnel/landing pages in that domain.

An example: - This is where your main website is. - This is the sub-domain where you can now host your landing page, funnel, bridge page, secondary website, etc.

(NOTE:  The word "connect" is just an example. You just need to use at least one letter followed by a period and it must be before the main URL). 

Other examples:


Info #3:

You need to go to your registrar (likely the hosting site you purchased the domain on - GoDaddy, Cloudflare, etc.) and create this sub-domain. 

Link on how to do this for GoDaddy:

GoDaddy -

Once your subdomains are set up, follow the directions in our domain setup video to make them display the content you want to show!

Info #4:

Have you ever known that and are not actually the same URL? While adding your domain within the app, you can choose which one you want to be the root domain. Then, within your registrar account, add a redirect so that the non-root domain redirects to the root domain you selected within the app.

Conveyed in a different way, if you add as a domain to the app, head into your registrar and set up a redirect for to send all traffic to As a result, no matter which one somebody types in, they will end up in your website only! 

A few helpful articles to set it up:

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